About Creating Praxis

About Creating Praxis

Creating Praxis Consulting is committed to providing high quality personal, social and educational services that are evidence based.  We aim to develop practical strategies for whole of life learning for our clients.

Praxis is a way of integrating research, theoretical learning or ideas with practical application and experience.

Creating Praxis Consulting aims to provide people with the opportunity to work towards achieving their full potential, to create beneficial pathways and to recognise they can achieve extraordinary things.

Creating Praxis Consulting has a strong sense of local community and a desire to provide affordable, professional, high quality psychological services to all ages within a rural community.

We are committed to offering best practice.  Our aim is a quality service with a compassionate, caring approach to individuals and groups of people of all ages to improve their health and wellbeing, positively deal with life challenges and create effective outcomes.

Read more about the Creating Praxis team here.

Our Services

  • Fully qualified and experienced professionals
  • Experienced Workcover/TAC practitioners
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Medicare and Private Health Rebates for eligible clients (including assessments and interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders)
  • Employee Assistance and Debriefing
  • Innovative Group Programs
  • Individual Learning Plans for Schools
  • Effective Behaviour Management Strategies
  • Resilience Programs and Resources
  • Formal Cognitive and Learning Assessments
  • Advice on Critical Incident Management
  • Mental Health Care
  • Effective Treatment Plans
  • Reasonable Sessional Rates
  • Fully negotiable contracts for businesses, agencies and schools
  • Individualised professional training programs.
  • Schools, Workplace Employee Assistance Programs.