Creating Praxis | News

Resilience Mind-Map: Partnership Program

10:19 am

What is it?

Resilience is the art of being able to ‘bungy jump’ through the pitfalls of life. It is the ability of rebounding or springing back after adversity or hard times.
Like you have an elasticised rope around your middle that helps you to bounce back after experiencing difficulties (e.g. bullying, death of a loved one; break up of a relationship; family troubles; anxiety, depression, a friend in trouble; rejection from peers)
It is the ability to adapt to changed circumstances or situations that can often be unpredictable and scary!

Building Resilience […]

How to Really Empathise with Someone

10:08 am

By Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S.


We tend to misunderstand empathy. We think empathizing with someone is consoling them. We think it’s helping them fix whatever problem they’re having. We think it’s giving advice.

If it were me, I’d pick a different career. If it were me, I’d end the relationship. If it were me, I wouldn’t think so much about it. Have you tried taking a real break? Have you considered that other option?

We think empathizing with someone is wondering how we’d feel or react in the same situation.

But empathy […]

Mindfulness: Simple ways to get present

9:57 am

Take Ten Breaths

This is a simple exercise to centre yourself and connect with your environment.  Practice it throughout the day, especially any time you find yourself getting caught up in your thoughts and feelings.

Take ten slow, deep breaths. Focus on breathing out as slowly as possible until the lungs are completely empty – and then allow them to refill by themselves.
Notice the sensations of your lungs emptying. Notice them refilling.  Notice your ribcage rising and falling.  Notice the gentle rise and fall of your shoulders.
See if you can let your thoughts come and […]

Mindfulness without meditation

11:42 am
Mindfulness is a process of awareness. It involves paying attention to experience in the moment as opposed to being caught up in thoughts

Acceptance and commitment therapy teaches mindfulness skills within the context of values and committed action. Russ Harris gives a brief introduction
From the Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, October 2009.
Imagine a therapy so hard to classify that it has been described as an ‘existential-humanistic cognitive behaviour therapy’.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT, is an innovative and creative mindfulness-based therapy, firmly based in the tradition of empirical science, yet with a major emphasis on values, acceptance, compassion and living in the present moment.

Created in the early 1980s by US psychologist Steven C Hayes, ACT […]