Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Archives | Creating Praxis Consulting

Mindfulness without meditation

11:42 am
Mindfulness is a process of awareness. It involves paying attention to experience in the moment as opposed to being caught up in thoughts

Acceptance and commitment therapy teaches mindfulness skills within the context of values and committed action. Russ Harris gives a brief introduction
From the Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, October 2009.
Imagine a therapy so hard to classify that it has been described as an ‘existential-humanistic cognitive behaviour therapy’.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, or ACT, is an innovative and creative mindfulness-based therapy, firmly based in the tradition of empirical science, yet with a major emphasis on values, acceptance, compassion and living in the present moment.

Created in the early 1980s by US psychologist Steven C Hayes, ACT […]